The Internet of Things – Wk.12

The Internet of things is essentially the modern world we live in, where almost anything can be connected to the internet. It is a term to describe all of the devices that are connected, both to the internet and then hence to each other. There is a growing number of 'things' that are now being … Continue reading The Internet of Things – Wk.12

Dark Fiber – Wk.11

Hacking relies on vulnerabilities in the security of networks, once a weak point is found you can have access to the network. 'LulzSec' took advantage of this when hacking into after a comment was made on their program that the members of 'LulzSec' disagreed with; calling the rapper 'Common' vile. The small group of … Continue reading Dark Fiber – Wk.11

The Attention Economy and The Long Tail Effect – Wk.05

The Long Tail. It's essentially our move as a society away from mass popular products to smaller, more niche and specialised productions and content. This major shift is due to the growth of the internet, as it has offered a platform where smaller content can be shared and created; specific communities can be both formed … Continue reading The Attention Economy and The Long Tail Effect – Wk.05

Understanding the Network Society Paradigm – Wk.03

This week we discussed the internet as one big interconnected system, and the potential it offers in terms of surveillance. While online, we create a digital record of ourselves, and when we document ourselves there comes a certain point where our patterns are ‘exposed’ and we become predictable. This kind of information is very valuable … Continue reading Understanding the Network Society Paradigm – Wk.03